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Device for safe extraction of a shunt catheter from the brain

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Project Overview

The goal of this project is to create a safer device to relieve intracranial shunt obstruction, thereby allowing shunt extraction with minimal hemorrhaging and fewer complications. Shunt catheters are used specifically to treat hydrocephalus, or abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the cranium. Over time, soft tissue and protein debris infiltrate the catheter holes and lumen, preventing fluid drainage. The standard technique involves passing a stainless steel stylet down the lumen and applying a current through the stylet. This monopolar technique clears the catheter lumen, but does not resolve obstruction of the catheter perforations. Moreover, this technique allows current to dissipate over a large volume of the brain. We aim to design a novel device that either constrains the current to a more localized area, or that does not utilize cautery at all.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Kyle Koehler, Alice Huang, Mohammed Hayat, Shakher Sijapati, Hinnah Abid
Team members from left to right: Kyle Koehler, Alice Huang, Mohammed Hayat, Shakher Sijapati, Hinnah Abid

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Alice Huang - Team Leader
  • Mohammed Hayat - Communicator
  • Hinnah Abid - BSAC
  • Kyle Koehler - BWIG
  • Shakher Sijapati - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. John Webster - Advisor
  • Dr. Joseph Piatt - Client
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