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GE Healthcare: Anthropometric analyses for MR coil and system development

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Project Overview

MR Systems and Coils are used across an array of patient populations. Standard models and percentiles cover most, but regional, geographic, pediatric differences pose unique challenges for coil ergonomics and application. Many products are designed based on “95th percentile” male or female models, but rising rates of obesity, various disease states, aged populations, and even the need to diagnose cases exceeding the 100th percentile (e.g. football, basketball players) stress the design constraints of devices. Potentially conflicting objectives of MRI coil elements close to the anatomy of interest, and large anatomical variation often drive compromises.

The goal of this project is to review current ergonomic and anthropometric data sources and models to assess the match of MR systems and coils to various demographic groups. The design team aims to utilize patient anatomical information and data along with various rules to create a database that will “fit” coil and scanner designs to utilize with patients beyond the 100th percentile. They rules will be applied to anatomical regions associated with MR scanners and coils, including head, neck, spine, chest/abdomen, upper extremities, lower extremities, and whole-body imaging. These database rules will apply to male and females as well as pediatric and geriatric patients. The design will consist of a statistical model, a model output to assess “goodness of fit” for a given coil/scanner and patient, and a CAD model from the data.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Emily Yachinich, Matt Grondin, Alex Letourneau, Shakher Sijapati, Charlie Andrew
Team members from left to right: Emily Yachinich, Matt Grondin, Alex Letourneau, Shakher Sijapati, Charlie Andrew

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Alexander Letourneau - Team Leader
  • Emily Yachinich - Communicator
  • Shakher Sijapati - BSAC
  • Charlie Andrew - BWIG
  • Matthew Grondin - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. Walter Block - Advisor
  • Mr. Andrew Formella - Client
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