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JangoBio: Designing single and multi spinner flasks for organoid culture

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Project Overview

Organoids are three-dimensional cell cultured structures that mimic the organ in which their cells are derived from. Their 3D structure allows for a better resemblance to the environment of the organ they are derived from than traditional 2D culturing. This change in cell culture structure can impact the cells behavior dramatically, leading to a better understanding of the physiology of the actual organ as the cells are structured to mimic the body. The current methods of culturing organoids require a vast amount of cells and media in large spinner flasks in order for organoid growth and development to occur. Due to the scale and volumes required, organoid culturing, especially for experimentation, can become very difficult and expensive. There is a need for systems that allow researchers to culture organoids in smaller volumes for experimental testing while maintaining similar conditions to those of the larger systems. Useful experimental procedures include using multiwell plates that allow for multiple cultures to be grown simultaneously so that control and test cultures may be grown on the same plate. There are currently no effective devices that provide stirring for these smaller volumes or stirring for multi-well plates. The goal of this project is to produce a product, the “Carou-Cell,” that allows for the dynamic culturing and creation of organoids in smaller volumes, specifically in 5mL of media, within 6-well plates that will allow for more effective experimental methods.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Brenton Halvorson, Josh Zembles, Sara Wagers, Caleb Heerts, Hailey Vadnais
Team members from left to right: Brenton Halvorson, Josh Zembles, Sara Wagers, Caleb Heerts, Hailey Vadnais

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Josh Zembles - Team Leader
  • Hailey Vadnais - Communicator
  • Brenton Halvorson - BSAC
  • Caleb Heerts - BWIG
  • Sara Wagers - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Melissa Kinney - Advisor
  • Dr. Craig Atwood - Client
  • Sivan Vadakkadath Meethal - Alternate Contact

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