Device to measure airway siameter in patients with laryngotracheal stenosis
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Laryngotracheal Stenosis is an acquired or congenital narrowing of the airway. Currently, this narrowing is predominantly diagnosed through a subjective assessment of the airway by a physician. There is a need for a device that can objectively and accurately measure the diameter of the airway, in a clinical setting, to determine the extent of stenosis. Currently, proposed devices would only be able to perform such measurements in the operating room, under general anesthesia, while the patient is undergoing suspension laryngoscopy. This process requires extensive preparation by both the doctor and patient and can result in unnecessarily difficult procedures to determine the airway diameter. This project will develop a unique laryngotracheal stenosis measurement device for use in a clinical setting on awake patients undergoing transnasal flexible tracheoscopy. It will provide diameter measurements for quantifying the extent of laryngotracheal stenosis as compared to the normal airway diameter.
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Contact Information
Team Members
- Samantha Bremner - Team Leader
- Marisa Tisler - Communicator
- Brendan Drackley - BSAC
- Nicholas Zacharias - BWIG
- Zach Alden - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Randolph Ashton - Advisor
- Seth Dailey - Client
- Matthew Hoffman - Alternate Contact