Nasal foreign body extractor
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Dr. Christopher Ford tasked us with designing a novel extractor capable of removing NFBs lodged between the inferior and middle turbinates of the nasal cavity. Often in Emergency Medicine, clinicians struggle with removal of NFBs from children. The device will serve to safely and easily extract NFBs while minimizing trauma to surrounding tissue and maximizing stability of the procedure. Given a budget of $500, we must design, fabricate, and test a novel NFB extractor.
Team Picture


Contact Information
Team Members
- William Guns - Team Leader
- Mr. Siddhant Jain - Communicator
- Jacob Andreae - BSAC
- Ben Knudsen - BWIG
- Leo Steiner - BPAG
- Ashley Mulchrone
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Naomi Chesler - Advisor
- Dr. Christopher Ford - Client
Related Projects
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