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Safer emesis container

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Develop an emesis container which effectively contains both fluid and virus particles from emesis to decrease the spread of norovirus.

Project Overview

When emesis occurs, norovirus particles are spread throughout the air. According to the CDC, only a few particles are needed to make someone sick. This project creates an emesis container that contains these particles through negative pressure. The device incorporates the average emesis bag as a removable element. The bag is attached to a ring which has a vacuum to remove norovirus particles from the air.

Team Picture

Logan Hoffman (Upper Left), Abigail Stertz (Upper Middle), Stephanie Silin (Upper Right), Alexis Karls (Bottom Left), Rachel Krueger (Bottom Middle), and John Ruhland (Bottom Right)
Logan Hoffman (Upper Left), Abigail Stertz (Upper Middle), Stephanie Silin (Upper Right), Alexis Karls (Bottom Left), Rachel Krueger (Bottom Middle), and John Ruhland (Bottom Right)

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Stephanie Silin - Team Leader
  • Logan Hoffman - Communicator
  • Alexis Karls - BSAC
  • Abigail Stertz - Co-BWIG
  • Jack Ruhland - Co-BWIG
  • Rachel Krueger - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Walter Block - Advisor
  • Mr. Robert Gold - Client

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