Neonatal 22-23-week premature infant simulation manikin
A neonatal manikin capable of accurately replicating resuscitation and intubation of premature infants will be developed to train physicians.
Project Overview
There are currently no neonatal manikins on the market made to resemble infants that are born at 22-23 weeks gestation. Consequently, the first time many physicians, residents, or fellows use resuscitation techniques on an infant this premature is during a real-life scenario. To provide a softer learning curve and to ultimately raise the rate of success of resuscitation on premature infants, physicians are in need of a neonatal simulation manikin. The manikin must resemble an infant at 22-23 weeks gestation, have the capacity to be intubated, have IV access, and support central umbilical line placement.
Team Picture


- Final Notebook (December 13, 2023)
- Final Report (December 13, 2023)
- Final Poster Presentation (December 7, 2023)
- PDS (October 15, 2023)
- Preliminary Report (October 11, 2023)
- Preliminary Presentation (October 5, 2023)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Claire Kramar - Team Leader
- Jodi Lawson - Communicator
- Molly Wilhelmson - BSAC
- Jensen Weik - BWIG
- Emma Lu - Co-BPAG
- Maya Nornberg - Co-BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Pamela Kreeger - Advisor
- Dr. Timothy Elgin - Client
Related Projects
- Fall 2023: Neonatal 22-23-week premature infant simulation manikin
- Spring 2023: Neonatal 22-23-week premature infant simulation mannequin
- Fall 2022: Neonatal 22-23-week premature infant simulation mannequin