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Impedance Cardiography

Design Award

  • Tong Biomedical Design Award Honorable Mention

Project Overview

Current methods for measuring cardiac output are invasive. Impedance Cardiography is a non-invasive medical procedure utilized in order to properly analyze and depict the flow of blood through the body. With this technique, four electrodes are attached to the body—two on the neck and two on the chest—which take beat by beat measurements of blood volume and velocity changes in the aorta. However, our client hypothesizes that the current method withholds degrees of inaccuracy due to the mere fact that the electrodes are placed too far from the heart. The goal of this project is to design an accurate, reusable, spatially specific system that ensures more accurate and reliable cardiographic readings. Furthermore, this system must produce consistent results able to be accurately interpreted by industry professionals. More specifically, our primary goal is to ensure the device must not only collect an impedance signal, it must also isolate the signal in its output using a variety of filters.

Team Picture

David, Jacob, Tian, Ross
David, Jacob, Tian, Ross


Sample Reading
Sample Reading


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Jacob Meyer - Team Leader
  • Tian Zhou - BSAC
  • Ross Comer - BWIG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Dennis Bahr - Advisor
  • Prof. John Webster - Client

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