Shoulder and arm support for patients with brachial plexus injuries
Project Overview
Our project is a splint design for a patient with injury to the brachial plexus nerves. These nerves innervate the shoulder and arm muscles. The specific patient is someone with significant damage, an avulsion injury, with no muscle support for his shoulder (deltoid, rotator cuff, scapular ms) and no biceps function or elbow flexion. He has tried numerous sling designs which do not work, since it is difficult to support the arm without binding the rest of the body. Brachial plexus injuries are the result of motorcycle accidents, snowmobile accidents, car accidents, gunshot wounds to the shoulder region, and tree limbs falling on the shoulder. The population being targeted is adults.
Team Picture


- Midsemester Presentation (March 7, 2010)
- Midsemester Report (March 12, 2010)
- Final Report (May 5, 2010)
- PDS (May 7, 2010)
- Final Poster (May 7, 2010)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Sarah Czaplewski - Team Leader
- Nathan Retzlaff - Communicator
- Megan Halley - BSAC
- Kayla Stankevitz - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Chris Brace - Advisor
- Mrs. Karen Blaschke - Client