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inseRT MRI: MR guidance system for microwave ablation

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Project Overview

Neuwave Medical is Madison-based startup that has generated an FDA-approved method to kill tumors in a minimally invasive manner by placing a needle-like antenna into the body and heat the tumor from within with microwave energy.

Guiding the needle-like device is often done with ultrasound. In some cases however, tumors are only visible with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI also allows the surgeon to map the temperatures created by the device, which allows the surgeon to protect healthy tissue while assuring temperatures high enough to kill the tumor are created in the tumor zone. This capability would be very desirable in certain parts of the body where crucial tissues are nearby, for example near the spinal cord near a bone metates in the spinal column.

The team seeks to develop 1) additional hardware that is compatible with the Neuwave probe and 2) methods to attach the port to the body.

A successful device would be utilized in pre-clinical MR-guided surgical experiments this spring that is aimed for a peer-reviewed publication. Authorship will be considered for all team members who contribute to the end result.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Mike McGovern, John Janksy, Katie Peterson, Jin Wook Hwang, Zachary Burmeister
Team members from left to right: Mike McGovern, John Janksy, Katie Peterson, Jin Wook Hwang, Zachary Burmeister

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Michael McGovern - Team Leader
  • Katherine Peterson - Communicator
  • John Jansky - BSAC
  • Zachary Burmeister - BWIG
  • Jin Hwang - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. Beth Meyerand - Advisor
  • Dr. Peng Wang - Client
  • Dr. Walter Block - Alternate Contact

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