Biomechanically realistic model of the knee
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Login for More InformationDevelop a mechanical model of a knee that reproduces native biomechanics
Project Overview
The primary motivation for this model is that the UW Biomechanical Advances in Medicine Lab ( needs a model to use when developing new testing protocols on their robotic testing system. This model will allow researchers to not be constrained by time limitations inherent when testing with biological knees.
This model should match the passive biomechanics (i.e., laxity and kinematics) of the native knee. Ideally, this model could be tuned to account for knee-to-knee variability in biomechanics and would include both the tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints. A nice-to-have feature would be the ability to also match the active biomechanics of the native knee (e.g., during walking) by allowing for simulated muscle forces to be applied across the knee and the strength to withstand high loads.
Future applications of this model might be as a simulator to train surgeons to perform clinical assessments of joint injury and/or as a tool for testing novel implant and sensor designs.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Dylan Schuller - Team Leader & BWIG
- Noah Nicol - Communicator & BPAG
- Mengizem Tizale - BSAC
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Tracy Jane Puccinelli - Advisor
- Prof. Joshua Roth - Client
Related Projects
- Fall 2021: Biomechanically realistic model of the knee
- Spring 2021: Biomechanically realistic model of the knee
- Fall 2020: Biomechanically realistic model of the knee