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Dynamic phantom for non-invasive imaging of lung perfusion using fluoroscopy

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A phantom that replicates the dynamic blood flowing through the lungs for use with x-ray pulsatility index (XPI) to create time-of-arrival maps.

Project Overview

This project aims to create a phantom that replicates the dynamic blood flowing through the lungs for use with x-ray pulsatility index (XPI), a new imaging technique for non-invasive mapping of blood flow in the lungs. The dynamic x-ray signal is processed in the spectral domain to create a map of XPI, a surrogate for blood flow in the lungs. Processing the signal phase (i.e. time shifts) can be exploited to map the time-of-arrival of blood through the lungs and a phantom is critical for technical development of this unique patent-pending concept. The phantom will mimic uniform perfusion dynamics using either mechanical or fluid methods in conjunction with mechatronic components and microcontrollers, enabling the development of time-of-arrival maps within the lungs, currently an unmet clinical need.

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Team Members: Corissa Hutmaker, Lilly Mackenzie, Helene Schroeder, Avery Schuda
Team Members: Corissa Hutmaker, Lilly Mackenzie, Helene Schroeder, Avery Schuda

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