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Frameless stereotactic navigation using Wii or Kinect technology

Project Overview

Computerized frameless stereotaxy is used routinely for neurosurgical and spine surgeries. This technology allows the triangulation of surgical tools in relation to the patient for removal of tumors or placement of instrumentation. However, this technology is quite expensive so its application has been limited to expensive inpatient surgical procedures. Frameless stereotactic navigation could be used to perform smaller interventional radiology procedures and pain procedures if a less expensive alternative could be developed.

The goal of this project is to create a frameless stereotactic navigation system using an inexpensive Wii or Kinect system.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Alex Yueh, Jake Levin, Stephen Monette, Matthew Boyer, Alex Nguyen
Team members from left to right: Alex Yueh, Jake Levin, Stephen Monette, Matthew Boyer, Alex Nguyen


The testing of the prototype, with the core components used to test the systems accuracy on display.
The testing of the prototype, with the core components used to test the systems accuracy on display.


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Stephen Monette - Team Leader
  • Alexander Yueh - Communicator
  • Jacob Levin - BSAC
  • Matthew Boyer - BWIG
  • Alexander Nguyen - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. John Puccinelli - Advisor
  • Dr. Nathaniel Brooks - Client
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