e-NABLE: Hold and release mechanism for hand designs
Project Overview
e-NABLE international community 3D prints ultra low cost upper limb prosthetics and delivers them free to those in need. All of the e-NABLE designs clench the fist by bending the wrist. To maintain the grip means holding the wrist bent, fatiguing the forearm and wrist.
Adding a means of pulling the contraction cables then locking the cables in place until purposely released would relieve the forearm and wrist.
These prosthetic hands and arms are often delivered to recipients in difficult climates, so excessive heat and dust need to be considered in the design.
Team Picture

- E-NABLE Hold and Release Mechanism Preliminary Report (October 10, 2018)
- E-NABLE Hold and Release Mechanism PDS (September 16, 2018)
- E-NABLE Hold and Release Mechanism Final Poster (December 16, 2018)
- E-NABLE Hold and Release Mechanism Final Report (December 16, 2018)
- E-NABLE Hold and Release Mechanism Design Matrix (October 9, 2018)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Ryan Opansky - Team Leader
- Isabella Reichardt - Communicator
- Chiara Sanders - BSAC & BPAG
- Ethan York - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Justin Williams - Advisor
- Ken Bice - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2019: e-NABLE: Create a hold and release mechanism for hand designs
- Fall 2018: e-NABLE: Hold and release mechanism for hand designs