Upper Extremity Sling for Dynamic Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury
Project Overview
The goal of this project will be to design and fabricate a sling to assist in dynamic rehabilitation of a traumatic brachial plexus injury through support of the upper extremity while promoting proper running mechanics.
Team Picture

- Product Design Specifications (February 18, 2013)
- Midsemester PPT (May 8, 2013)
- Midsemester Report (May 21, 2013)
- Final Design (May 9, 2013)
- Final Poster (May 8, 2013)
- Final Paper (May 21, 2013)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Kelly Hanneken - Team Leader
- Anthony Schmitz - Communicator
- Marie Greuel - BSAC
- Colin Dunn - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. John Puccinelli - Advisor
- Mrs. Karen Blaschke - Client
- Meg Overstake - Alternate Contact
Related Projects
- Spring 2014: Dynamic sling to support UE post brachial plexus injury to return to active lifestyle - running
- Fall 2013: Dynamic sling to support UE post brachial plexus injury to return to active lifestyle - running
- Spring 2013: Upper Extremity Sling for Dynamic Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury
- Fall 2012: Dynamic sling to support UE post brachial plexus injury to return to active lifestyle - running