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Microfluidic device for a nanofabrication apparatus

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Develop a microfluidic device capable of delivering and collecting multiple extracellular matrix proteins.

Project Overview

The Microfluidic Device for a Nanofabrication Apparatus Team was tasked by client Dr. Campagnola to design a device that will be used to introduce and collect multiple extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. Currently, to fabricate ECM scaffolds, the protein solution is pipetted by hand and only one component can be used at a time. However, this process is inefficient and wastes expensive proteins, as the proteins cannot be collected for re-use. Thus, the device created by the Microfluidic Device team is intended to improve and automate the process of creating tissue engineered scaffolds. The introduction of multiple proteins at a given time will help to better mimic the actual structure of the ECM in scaffold fabrication. Ideally, the device will be controlled by pumps linked with LABView.

Team Picture

Left to Right: Alex Nadolski, Tony Pribnow, Ai Song, Charles Johnson
Left to Right: Alex Nadolski, Tony Pribnow, Ai Song, Charles Johnson

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Alex Nadolski - Team Leader
  • Charles Johnson - Communicator & BPAG
  • Ai Song - BSAC
  • Tony Pribnow - BWIG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Walter Block - Advisor
  • Prof. Paul Campagnola - Client

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