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Alert device for walker

Identify user needs for older adults using a walker assistive device and design an alert system.

Project Overview

Older adults want to remain independent. Those who use a walker device often feel confined or don't want to admit when it isn't as easy anymore and possibly lose independence. An alert system associated with their walker could provide reminders and warnings that could improve safety for the older adult. Physical therapists from UW-Madison or the Oakwood Village where I have my clinical practice, could also be consulted on this device.

Team Picture

Team Picture: Matt Hudson - Team Leader, Sara Sagues - BWIG, Meghan Kaminski - Communicator, Daniel Pies - BPAG, Colin Bailey - BSAC
Team Picture: Matt Hudson - Team Leader, Sara Sagues - BWIG, Meghan Kaminski - Communicator, Daniel Pies - BPAG, Colin Bailey - BSAC


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Matt Hudson - Team Leader
  • Meghan Kaminski - Communicator
  • Colin Bailey - BSAC
  • Sara Sagues - BWIG
  • Daniel Pies - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Megan Settell - Advisor
  • Mr. Michael Minus - Client
  • Dr. Beth Martin - Alternate Contact
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