Blinking orbital prosthesis
Project Overview
Current orbital prosthetics are primarily aesthetic in form and function, consisting of a static, silicon facial reconstruction and a glass eye. A blinking orbital prosthesis is similar to its static counterpart in appearance, but contains a moveable eyelid apparatus to simulate the appearance of a blinking eye. This allows for a more natural look, and thus provides a greater sense of normalcy for the patient.
Team Picture

- FInal Poster (December 10, 2011)
- Blinking Orbital Prosthesis - Final Paper (December 14, 2011)
- PDS (December 14, 2011)
- Mid-Semester Powerpoint (October 21, 2011)
- Mid-Semester Report (October 26, 2011)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Sean Heyrman - Team Leader
- Taylor Milne - Communicator
- Michael Schmidt - BSAC
- Alex Lavanway - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Tom Yen - Advisor
- Mr. Greg Gion - Client