Impedance/Tonometry system
Project Overview
System vascular impedance is a mathematically derived spectrum of data that indicates opposition to pulsatile blood flow. Impedance cannot be directly measured. Rather, it is calculated using data from pulsatile waveforms and blood volume flow waveforms. Three years ago at UW Madison, Dr. Nancy Sweitzer conducted research on impedance to blood flow using tonometry and blood flow equipment. The equipment has since been left and is not in use or working condition. The owner of the left over equipment, Dr. Naomi Chesler, has tasked this biomedical team with reassembling the instruments with the ultimate goal of measuring impedance data in healthy individuals. In the process of reassembly, it is the job of the team to take inventory of which devices work and which don’t, which devices have missing or incomplete parts, and which instruments can be re-utilized for future use in research.
Team Picture


- Preliminary Design Report (October 19, 2016)
- Final Poster (December 10, 2016)
- Project Design Specifications (September 24, 2016)
- Final Report (December 14, 2016)
- Pulse Pressure and Impedence Reutilization ppt. (October 15, 2016)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Naren Chaudhry - Team Leader
- Yiqun Ma - Communicator
- Cristian Naxi - BSAC
- Callie Mataczynski - BWIG
- Ian Baumgart - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Willis Tompkins - Advisor
- Prof. Naomi Chesler - Client
- Diana Tabima - Alternate Contact