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e-NABLE: Add lateral wrist movement to an e-NABLE standard hand design

Project Overview

e-NABLE international community 3D prints ultra low cost upper limb prosthetics and delivers them free to those in need. Almost all the hand designs (used for those missing fingers but still have a palm) strap a gauntlet on the forearm, and the functional part of the prosthetic hand to the remaining palm. The user then bends the wrist forward to clench a fist, and backward to release the grip. But that is the only degree of freedom of the device. For those with sufficient lateral movement of their wrist, a means of turning the prosthetic's wrist laterally would provide the benefit of a second degree of freedom. The project is to design and test a modified e-NABLE design that incorporates abduction and adduction to the wrist movement.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Jack Metzger, Liam Granlund, Courtney Florin, Claire Mitchell, Haley Yagodinski, Kelly Starykowicz
Team members from left to right: Jack Metzger, Liam Granlund, Courtney Florin, Claire Mitchell, Haley Yagodinski, Kelly Starykowicz


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Haley Yagodinski - Team Leader
  • Courtney Florin - Communicator
  • Kelly Starykowicz - BSAC
  • Jack Metzger - Co-BWIG
  • Liam Granlund - Co-BWIG
  • Claire Mitchell - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Ed Bersu - Advisor
  • Ken Bice - Client
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