VetMed: Design and mechanical analysis of patient-specific mandibular reconstruction implants
Project Overview
Implanted bridging plates are used to supply structural support during the recovery period after treating mandibular fracture in canine patients. The design of these bridging plates, though simple in appearance, is complicated due to the need to provide certain mechanical properties and avoid tooth structures and mandibular vasculature, all of which can vary patient to patient. Currently, there does not exist a streamlined or time and material effective process for generating these patient-specific bridging plates. The goal of this project is to create a computationally aided process that optimizes the dimensions of a set of implants used in mandibular reconstruction while avoiding problem areas such as tooth structure and mandibular vasculature on a patient-by-patient basis.
Team Picture

- Final Report Team Dog Jaw 12/11/2019 (December 11, 2019)
- Design Matrix 9/26/2019 (September 26, 2019)
- Final Design Notebook - LabArchives 12/11/2019 (December 11, 2019)
- Preliminary Design Presentation (October 4, 2019)
- Updated Design Matrix 10/09/2019 (October 9, 2019)
- Preliminary Report 10/09/2019 (October 9, 2019)
- Preliminary Design Notebook - LabArchives 10/09/2019 (October 9, 2019)
- Final Design Poster 10/05/2019 (December 5, 2019)
- Preliminary Product Design Specifications - 9/20/2019 (September 20, 2019)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Will Wightman - Team Leader
- Laura Richmond - Communicator
- Young Kim - BSAC
- Cade Van Horn - BWIG
- Kylie Gaspar - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Melissa Skala - Advisor
- Dr. Graham Thatcher - Client