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VetMed: Operation feedback

Project Overview

The current models that veterinary students use to practice IV and catheter placement require artificial blood to provide feedback as to whether the student is in the lumen of the vein. The use of artificial blood is a messy process resulting in extra cleanup for the students and professors and does not tell the student when they move excessively upon insertion. Additionally, these devices are expensive, despite not providing feedback on the movement of students when inserting needles.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: William Brown, Kiley Smith, Ian Schirtzinger, Alec Veal, and Matthew Suzuki
Team members from left to right: William Brown, Kiley Smith, Ian Schirtzinger, Alec Veal, and Matthew Suzuki


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Kiley Smith - Team Leader
  • Ian Schirtzinger - Communicator
  • William Brown - BSAC
  • Alec Veal - BWIG
  • Matthew Suzuki - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Walter Block - Advisor
  • Mrs. Kristen Cooley - Client
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