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Echo probe stabilizer

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Project Overview

Echocardiography is a tool for obtaining ultrasound images of the heart. The technology relies on manual manipulation of a probe. The aim of this project is to develop a versatile probe receptacle that can be strapped onto an individual. The probe must be able to maintain its position on the chest when placed in the receptacle. The receptacle should be easy to strap on the chest and easy to remove. The device must be able to hold the probe in a stable position, yet it must allow angulation in multiple planes while in one position. Materials will be utilized that optimize the ultrasound image rather than interfere with it. The current concept is to utilize simple materials that are relatively easy to obtain and of low cost, but testing will need to take place to evaluate the effect of this material on the images, and whether the prototype has the desired properties as described above. Preliminary designs have been developed by the client, but further development and revision of the design to achieve the goals would be welcome. This concept is the first in a series of projects that the client has been working on to innovate in the field of ultrasound technologies with a focus on development of probes, housing and software, automation and telemedicine. Future projects may involve collaboration with engineering students specialized in ultrasound based non-destructive testing in other countries.

Team Picture

Team members from left to right: Seth Gehrke, Benjamin Grindel, Neal Duong, Ethan Frohna, Lucas Voce
Team members from left to right: Seth Gehrke, Benjamin Grindel, Neal Duong, Ethan Frohna, Lucas Voce

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Benjamin Grindel - Team Leader
  • Ethan Frohna - Communicator
  • Neal Duong - BSAC
  • Seth Gehrke - BWIG
  • Lucas Voce - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Walter Block - Advisor
  • Dr. Premraj Makkuni - Client
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