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Trans-arterial chemoembolization simulator

Project Overview

Liver cancer treatment can often involve higher, more targeted doses of chemotherapy if delivered directly to the liver. Professor Block’s lab is integrating capabilities to guide cancer treatment to the liver using magnetic resonance imaging. Current x-ray treatments significantly over treat the patient’s liver because radiologists and other clinicians cannot visualize the tumor. The MRI group is in need of a transportable table that can be used to transfer both an MRI coil and porcine test subject between the MRI scanner and the X-ray machine, without altering their position. This will allow the group to verify catheter placement under MRI guidance using the X-ray technology.


Contact Information

Team Members

  • Ben Engel - Team Leader
  • Eric Printz - Communicator
  • Justin Schmidt - BSAC
  • Ryan Carroll - BWIG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. William Murphy - Advisor
  • Dr. Walter Block - Client

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