Development of a bioreactor cassette for autologous pluripotent stem cell production
Design Award
- Tong Biomedical Design Award Winner
Project Overview
Autologous induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells show great potential for use as patient-specific medical therapeutics. In order for this therapy to be effective, a bioreactor cassette system is required, that is capable of providing conditions for growing multiple iPS cell samples from individual patients without exchanging media between samples.
We have designed a prototype that improves the ergonomic characteristics and imageability of the cassette.
Team Picture

- Final Poster (April 28, 2011)
- Final Paper (May 4, 2011)
- PDS (February 3, 2011)
- Midsemester Presentation (March 9, 2011)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Kimberli Kamer - Team Leader
- Laura Zeitler - Communicator
- Elise Larson - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Naomi Chesler - Advisor
- Derek Hei - Client
- Sheku Kamara - Alternate Contact
Related Projects
- Spring 2011: Development of a bioreactor cassette for autologous pluripotent stem cell production
- Fall 2010: Development of a bioreactor cassette for stem cell production
- Spring 2010: Bioreactor Cassette