Wireless pulse oximetry sensor
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Login for More InformationDevice to measure blood oxygen saturation and transmit that data wirelessly to the physician.
News About this Project
- Award: 3rd Place, Qualcomm Wireless Innovation Prize (April 18, 2013)
Project Overview
Pulse oximetry sensors use differential infrared light absorption to measure hemoglobin oxygen saturation. These sensors are typically hardwired into a patient monitor. Oxygen saturation is an increasingly valuable measurement parameter in ambulatory settings and there would be great clinical utility in a sensor that had wireless transmission capability to a base station or portable monitoring device (like an iPhone).
Team Picture


Contact Information
Team Members
- Christopher Fernandez - Team Leader
- Olivia Rice - Communicator
- Brandon Jonen - BSAC
- Rafi Sufi - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Chris Brace - Advisor
- Dr. Fred Robertson - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2014: Wireless pulse oximetry sensor
- Fall 2013: Wireless pulse oximetry sensor
- Spring 2013: Wireless pulse oximetry sensor
- Fall 2012: Wireless pulse oximetry sensor