Forearm segmental compression device
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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and the possibility of a subsequently occurring pulmonary embolism is a dangerous condition that can occur in legs as a result of long periods of immobility, the hypercoagulability precondition, damaged endothelial cells of the circulatory system. Currently, compression devices are used on the legs to prevent DVT, and significant research has been conducted on various aspects of its anticoagulation effects depending on the specific methodology. Upon creating a variable compression device for the arm at the behest of our client, the overarching goal of this project is determine the efficacy of a novel sequential forearm compression prototype device on blood flow and systemic hypercoagulability state.
Our goals of this semester are to prove the mechanical functionality of the designed compression device. Following the proof of mechanical concept, we plan to submit an IRB project proposal to Marshfield Clinic outlining human subject assays and potential study details. The information that could be obtained through a human subject study would allow us to make definitive conclusions regarding the influence of sequential forearm compression on blood flow and hypercoagulability.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Seve Strook - Team Leader
- Joshua Zent - Communicator & BSAC
- Allison Benna - BWIG & BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Kris Saha - Advisor
- Dr. Steven Yale - Client
- Michelle Wellsandt - Alternate Contact
Related Projects
- Spring 2014: Forearm segmental compression device
- Fall 2013: Forearm segmental compression device