Interstitial diffuse optical fiber probe design
Design Award
- Design Excellence Award Winner
Project Overview
We are developing a technique for adaptive radiation therapy based on diffuse optics between two inserted optical fibers. By fitting the spectra resulting from optical absorption and diffusion over many mean free paths, we get blood volume versus hemoglobin saturation as a function of time. Our interest in the prompt responses to large doses of radiation that are typical of emerging radiation therapy treatments.
For future use in humans, the issue is the fact that there are two fibers needed a fixed distance apart. One idea is to separate them by insertion length and have them touching. It would also be nice to have any insertion needles be retractable. At this point, with the mice we use, the fibers stay in the needles and they are parallel, inserted to the same distance, and the two needles are just taped to a pad. The design needs to improve.
The project entails the design and prototype construction of a proper insertion and fiber spacing technique and device. The BME students need to understand the fairly simple physics of the diffusion of light through tissue, the absorption of light in a few biological absorbers and absorption/reflection in the materials used for the probe. It is expected that a few possible designs would be conceived and one or two prototypes made for both mouse and human uses.
Team Picture

- Final Poster (May 3, 2014)
- Final Report (May 7, 2014)
- PDS (February 13, 2014)
- Mid-semester Presentation (February 25, 2014)
- Mid-semester Report (February 25, 2014)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Michael Simonson - Team Leader
- Samual Lines - Communicator
- Thomas Zipp - BSAC & BPAG
- Matthew Boyer - BWIG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Paul Thompson - Advisor
- Prof. Michael Kissick - Client