Cast saw skin injury eliminator
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Login for More InformationDesign Award
- Tong Biomedical Design Award Winner
Project Overview
During the removal of orthopedic casts, user error can lead to thermal damage on the outer layer of the derma. Current commercially available cast saws lack the safety features necessary to prevent injury from occurring. With an increased risk of injury, comes the increased possibility of legal issues for the care provider. There are two goals of this project: 1. Design a device that will minimize mechanical and thermal injuries via a barrier between the saw blade and the derma. 2. Create a method of indication for cast clearance that will provide feedback to the physician during removal.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Hannah Frank - Team Leader
- Timothy Abbott - Communicator
- Mr. Billy Greisch - BSAC
- Jeffrey Wu - BWIG & BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. John Webster - Advisor
- Dr. Matthew Halanski - Client