Ergonomic automated bioanalytical chemistry sample tube uncapping and capping device
Project Overview
Employees in a commercial laboratory cap and uncap more than 500-700 samples done per day for a rapid, high throughput analyzer. This is causing stress in the lab technician's fingers and hands. A design of a completely automated sample bottle cap cassette is desired that will relieve stress on lab technician's hands during use the analyzer. There are several constraints that must be considered in the sample tube cap design:
Not rate limiting step
High Throughput
Over 10,000 samples per month on average
Flexible / Versatile
Multiple tube and cap sizes
Low Cost
Operation, maintenance, manufacture
Small Foot Print
Limited bench space
Robust / Rugged
Multiple users and extensive use
Must work every time
Ease of Use
Must be able to train all chemists to use
Low Maintenance
High utilization rate and low down-time
Ability to Validate
Regulated work environment
Stand Alone
With and without automated system
Team Picture

- Preliminary Design Presentation Slides (February 21, 2017)
- Executive Summary - BME Excellence Award (April 27, 2017)
- Final Poster (April 27, 2017)
- Preliminary Design Specifications (February 16, 2017)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Katelyn Werth - Team Leader
- Alec Onesti - Communicator & BSAC
- Jake Jaeger - BWIG
- Samuel Perez-Tamayo - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Chris Brace - Advisor
- Dr. Robert Radwin - Client