Quantitative reporting of protein amount by a CCTO reporter
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A quantitative reporting of protein level is important in many biomedical applications. A novel short peptide-based reporter, sensitive to the microenvironment, can be used to this end. Binding of the reporter to the target protein results in an increase in light intensity and a shift in the emitted light (i.e. a CCTO sensor), which can be detected by a spectrometer. This semester’s work is to expand upon what we have already accomplished by making software improvements and implementing a new device component that utilizes microfluidics to achieve blood plasma separation.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Brendan Drackley - Team Leader
- Samantha Bremner - Communicator & BSAC
- Ryan Sepehr - BWIG
- Mona Omari - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Amit Nimunkar - Advisor
- Dr. Jay Yang - Client
Related Projects
- Fall 2017: Quantitative Reporting of Protein Amount by a CCTO Sensor
- Spring 2017: Quantitative reporting of protein amount by a CCTO reporter
- Fall 2016: Quantitative reporting of protein amount by a CCTO reporter
- Spring 2016: Quantitative reporting of protein amount by a CCTO reporter