Surgical centrifuge that saves blood
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Login for More InformationSalvage red blood cells from surgical sponges
News About this Project
- Publication: "Surgical sponge blood salvage spinning device design and testing", Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, pp. 1-9 (January 18, 2019)
Project Overview
A significant amount of blood is lost in surgical sponges. Currently this blood cannot be retrieved efficiently, so it is often disposed along with the used sponge. One method for mitigating blood loss in the operating room is through the use of the Cell Saver. The Cell Saver filters healthy red blood cells out of bloody solution and autotransfuses it back into the patient. A solution is needed to salvage red blood cells from surgical sponges after gently washing them with sterile saline, and then directly administering the salvaged blood to the Cell Saver.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Tasnia Tabassum - Team Leader
- Peter Moua - Communicator
- David Piotrowski - BSAC
- Mitch Resch - BWIG
- Christopher Nguyen - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Amit Nimunkar - Advisor
- Dr. Ken Noonan - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2017: Surgical centrifuge that saves blood
- Fall 2016: To develop a surgical centrifuge that saves blood
- Spring 2016: To develop a surgical centrifuge that saves blood