Universal personal protection device against airborne particles
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Login for More InformationThis device will serve as protection device for the user against all airborne particles in order to prevent illnesses and diseases which are transmittable through the air.
Project Overview
The team will be working to create a device that will protect the user against airborne particles. This will be a step forward in terms of personal protection against harmful and contagious diseases, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic issue. Medical masks are the current protection available to the public for a low price in order to protect against disease, but as cases still rise, it is clear that these masks do not offer complete protection. The goal of the project is to create a much more effective solution to a protection device available to the public for situations where exposure to airborne particles is likely.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Emmalina Groves - Team Leader
- Matthew Suzuki - Communicator & BPAG
- Danielle Lefko - BSAC
- Logan Hoffman - BWIG
- Samuel Tesch
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Aviad Hai - Advisor
- Hau Le - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2021: Universal personal protection device against airborne particles
- Fall 2020: Universal personal protection device against airborne particles