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Alternative epinephrine delivery method during anaphylaxis for pediatric patients

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Design and synthesize an epinephrine tablet to be used sublingually with personalized doses and a rapid delivery rate for patients undergoing anaphylaxis.

Project Overview

Anaphylaxis is a harsh immune response that occurs when an individual has a hypersensitivity reaction to a benign antigen. With this response quickly inducing fatal symptoms, immediate drug delivery is crucial for counteracting the severity of the reaction. These reactions are most common in the younger demographic, leading to a pediatric-focused treatment plan. The primary treatment available for anaphylaxis is the use of an EpiPen, which is a self-injectable epinephrine shot into the patient’s upper thigh. However, the high cost of EpiPens often causes patients to carry around expired and therefore ineffective doses of the medication. Additionally, they are difficult to use and each EpiPen stores a single, fixed dose. This project will create a more practical, accessible, and personalized solution to anaphylactic responses in pediatric patients in the form of a dissolvable tablet, which will be easily administered, cheap, and have a longer shelf life. Development of this product will also open the possibility of specialized doses dependent on body weight to better suit each individual patient.

Team Picture

Top (left to right): Meghana Kalluri, Fiorella Fernandez, Caelie Raeburn / Bottom (left to right): Christy Li, Emily Wheat, Dan Zinger
Top (left to right): Meghana Kalluri, Fiorella Fernandez, Caelie Raeburn / Bottom (left to right): Christy Li, Emily Wheat, Dan Zinger

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Caelie Raeburn - Co-Team Leader
  • Meghana Kalluri - Co-Team Leader
  • Emily Wheat - Communicator
  • Fiorella Fernandez - BSAC
  • Dan Zinger - BWIG
  • Christy Li - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Dr. Sarah Gong - Advisor
  • Dr. Lenard Markman - Client

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