Optical measurement of animal tumor volume for cancer research studies
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- Patent: US20210052189A1, Lesion Volume Measurements System (August 20, 2020)
Project Overview
Cancer researchers often study the effects of various treatments on tumors growing in animals (typically mice). investigators measure tumor growth several times per week and use an estimate of tumor volume calculated based on measurements of "length" and "width". There can be significant day to day and user to user variability leading to a not insignificant amount of uncertainty. This project seeks to develop a quick, reproducible and user-independent method of measuring tumor volume.
Possibilities include using an ipod touch and developing software. may be couple with a light grid projected onto the tumor to aid in contour delineation and size estimates.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Junzhou Chen - Team Leader & Communicator
- Hunter Higby - BSAC
- Ryan Wisth - BWIG & BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Jeremy Rogers - Advisor
- Dr. Randy Kimple - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2019: Optical measurement of animal tumor volume for cancer research studies
- Fall 2018: Optical measurement of animal tumor volume for cancer research studies
- Spring 2018: Optical measurement of animal tumor volume for cancer research studies
- Fall 2017: Measurement of animal tumor volume for cancer research studies