Eye drop assistant
Device used with an eye drop bottle to 1) steady the dispensing of the drops and 2) allow for easier grip of the bottle and ensuring a single drop is administered.
Design Award
- Tong Biomedical Design Award Winner
News About this Project
- Award: 1st place: Shark tank (April 12, 2024)
Project Overview
Eye drops play a crucial role in managing many ophthalmic diseases and conditions. For example, glaucoma can result in vision loss if not controlled by regular use of medicated eye drops. As essential as these eye drops are, many patients are not able to administer them in an efficient manner. These difficulties could be attributed to the size of the eye drop bottle and the risk of bottle tip contamination. The small size of the eye drop bottles can pose challenges, especially for individuals with reduced dexterity. This often results in the administration of too many drops, which leads to wasting the medication. Furthermore, hovering the dropper bottle above the eye while dispensing the solution is difficult for many and can result in the bottle tip coming into contact with the surface of the eye, causing contamination and potentially compromising the effectiveness of the medication. These limitations can deter consistent eye drop use, often resulting in treatment failure and disease progression. The team must design a device to assist patients in squeezing the eye drop bottle, while releasing a consistent amount of solution per drop.
Team Picture

- Final Report (May 1, 2024)
- Final Notebook (May 1, 2024)
- Final Poster Presentation (April 26, 2024)
- Executive Summary (April 19, 2024)
- Preliminary Presentation (May 1, 2024)
- Preliminary Report (February 28, 2024)
- PDS (May 1, 2024)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Anabelle Olson - Co-Team Leader
- Kasia Klotz - Co-Team Leader
- Eva Coughlin - Communicator
- Tevis Linser - BSAC
- Jenna Krause - BWIG
- Thomas Kriewaldt - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Prof. Tracy Jane Puccinelli - Advisor
- Dr. Beth Martin - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2024: Eye drop assistant
- Fall 2023: Eye drop assistant