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Spring 2025 Schedule

BME 201 Schedule BME 301 Schedule

Important dates, links and topics below for all client-based design courses

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Week 0: Friday, January 17

  • Schedule your meeting time with your advisor

Week 1: Friday, January 24

Week 2: Thursday, January 30, 11:59 pm

  • First progress report due
    • Use a meaningful file name (i.e. team_catchphrase-progress_report-1)
    • Team Leader: Prepare the progress report and establish goals with your team
    • BWIG: Post to the website
    • Communicator: Email the file website link to your advisor and client, cc your team

Week 2: Friday, January 31

  • BSAC Meeting: 11:00 am - 1003 ECB
  • Select a suitable journal

Week 3: Friday, February 7

    • All teams will present privately to their individual advisor during your weekly meeting, you can invite your client.
    • This presentation is meant to describe your semester's testing plan and is vastly different from past prelim presentations.
    • Topic: BME 402 Guidelines
  • Presentation PDF due on your website and Canvas from your BWIG by 10:00 am or 2 hours before your meeting time, whichever is earlier.

Week 4: Friday, February 14

  • BSAC Meeting with Faculty: 11:00 am - 1003 ECB
  • BPAG Meeting: 12:05 pm - 12:30 pm - 1003 ECB

Week 5: Friday, February 21

  • Continuing designing and testing

Week 6: Wednesday, February 26

  • Preliminary deliverables due by 11:59 pm
    • BWIG: upload preliminary report to the website and Canvas-name the file team_catchphrase-Preliminary_Report.pdf
    • Communicator: email the link (from the website) to preliminary report to your client and cc your team and advisor
    • Individually: complete a peer and self evaluation using these instructions and Feedback Fruits found in canvas
  • Attach an edited, brief and descriptive section of the design process (from the start of their project including preliminary designs and design matrices) as an appendix to the journal article draft.

Week 6: Friday, February 28

  • BSAC Meeting: 11:00 am - 1003 ECB
  • Continue designing and testing

Week 7: Friday, March 7

  • Preliminary deliverable feedback

Week 8: Friday, March 14

  • BSAC Meeting with Faculty: 11:00 am - 1003 ECB

Week 9: Friday, March 21

  • Show and Tell
  • All students are required to attend for the full class period 12:00 pm - 2:05 pm. Senior teams will provide input to junior teams.
  • Topic: Show and Tell Instructions

Week 10: Friday, March 28

  • No class - Spring break

Week 11: Friday, April 4

  • BWIG: In Project Builder/Award Selection - select the award your team is competing for in the design competition.
  • Team: Draft Executive Summary for the design competition due via email to your advisor (ideally with your progress report).
  • Follow the file naming instructions

Week 12: Friday, April 11

  • Engineering Expo
  • Continue working the project

Week 13: Friday, April 18

  • BSAC Meeting with Faculty: 11:00 am - 1003 ECB
  • Final Executive Summary for design competition due online by BWIG by NOON
  • BWIG: in Files or Award Selection - select "Executive Summary" and upload the file that has the file name noted above. Ensure your award selection is accurate.
  • Senior: Outreach materials due: Upload at: outreach

Week 14: Friday, April 25

  • 11:00 am: Informal poster viewing in atrium (set up and help with the atrium starting at 10 am)
  • 12:00 - 2:15 pm: All students are required to attend for the full class period, Engineering Centers Building Atrium
  • 3:00 - 4:00 pm: Tong BME Design and Departmental Awards and Recognition, Tong auditorium
  • Presentations PDF due on your website and Canvas from your BWIG by 10:00 am

Week 15: Wednesday, April 30

  • Final deliverables due by 11:59 pm
    • BWIG: upload final report and notebook to the website and Canvas
    • Communicator: email links to final report and notebook pdf to your client and cc your team
    • Leader: complete the client eval with your team from Dr. P's email
    • Individually: complete a peer and self evaluation using these instructions and Feedback Fruits found in canvas
  • Attach a final edited, brief and descriptive section of the design process (from the start of their project including preliminary designs and design matrices) as an appendix to the final journal article.

Week 15: Friday, May 2 +

  • Final design meeting
  • Schedule the final design meeting with your advisor during finals week
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