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Team Role Resources

Team leader

Responsible for organizing weekly progress reports, team goals and team meetings.


Responsible for communications with the client and other professional contacts, as well as distributing progress reports. Be sure to use professional etiquette (see below) such as a proper salutation that includes their credentials. Inform your client of your presentation date (preliminary presentation and poster) and locations early in the semester and do not over email your client. You should copy your team and advisor on communications with your client to keep everyone on the same page. Highlight important notes from your communications in your design notebook.

BSAC (Biomedical Student Advisory Committee)

Provides feedback to faculty about the design courses and curriculum and is chaired by an elected student. BSAC members also serve as peer advisors and mentors to the freshman.

BWIG (Biomedical Web Implementation Group)

Responsible for the team's website and the overall website is overseen by the BWIG chair.

BPAG (Biomedical Purchasing and Accounting Group)

Responsible for ensuring that all necessary materials are acquired and for maintaining all financial records for the team.

Design topics

BME Design - selection day class presentation


Ethics, human subjects research, human factors, ergonomics and universal design

Technical communication

Literature searching

Weekly advisor meetings

Design notebooks

Progress reports

Product Design Specification (PDS)

Design (decision) matrix

Preliminary presentations

Show and tell

Reports (preliminary and final)

Executive Summary for awards at the spring poster session

Poster presentations

BME senior design (402): Presentation and journal article requirements

BME senior design: Outreach requirements

Team evaluation forms

Design resources

BME teaching laboratories, design studio, and CoE facilities

3D printing and general fabrication resources (outside of CoE)

Beyond BME Design: Taking your project to the next step (patent, competitions and more)

Advising resources

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