Adjustable positioning device for magec rod lengthening in children with special needs
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Login for More InformationAn adjustable positioning device that can accommodate children's contractures and relieve anxiety during the magnetic rod lengthening procedure for treating scoliosis..
Project Overview
MAGEC rods are remotely controlled magnetically lengthened spinal growth rods used to aid children ages 3-10 with scoliosis. Every 6 months the patient undergoes this lengthening procedure, but it can be difficult due to factors such as the patient having additional contractures other than the back. These additional contractures make it difficult for the patient to lie comfortably in a specific position to lengthen the rods. Furthermore, this procedure can provoke anxiety. An adjustable positioning device will be designed such that it can adapt to the patients’ contractures, ensure that a specific lying position is achieved to effectively lengthen the MAGEC rods, and relieve anxiety when undergoing this procedure.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Max Aziz - Team Leader
- Rachel Nossen - Communicator
- Sara Sagues - BSAC
- Jimmy Zydlo - BWIG
- Leonzio DiCataldo - BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Benjamin Walker - Advisor
- Dr. Megan Settell - Advisor
- Dr. Ken Noonan - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2024: Adjustable positioning device for magec rod lengthening in children with special needs
- Fall 2023: Adjustable positioning device for magec rod lengthening in children with special needs