Johnson Health Tech: Height adjustable magnetic resistance SkiErg
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Login for More InformationAccessible SkiErg Machine that allows both to wheelchair and non-wheelchair users to exercise seamlessly.
Design Award
- Tong Biomedical Design Award Honorable Mention
Project Overview
With an increasing awareness of the need for accessibility, many gyms and exercise equipment manufacturers are seeking equipment that is usable by people with different types of disabilities. The client’s focus for this project is to design a wheelchair accessible SkiErg machine that is height adjustable, free standing, allows for independent arm movement, and uses magnetic resistance. Current SkiErg machines use air resistance and are not wheelchair accessible without additional modifications to the base model. A height adjustable SkiErg machine would make workout equipment more accessible for all users, and magnetic resistance would decrease noise levels produced during operation, decreasing the ambient noise of the gym and thus improving the user experience. After researching SkiErg machines and existing technologies, the team came up with a multitude of design ideas and evaluated them. The design that best fulfilled the client’s expectations utilizes two freewheels on a magnetic flywheel, which are turned by ropes which sit on pin-adjustable pulleys which can be set at various heights.
Team Picture

Contact Information
Team Members
- Mark Rice - Team Leader
- Hunter Belting - Communicator & BWIG
- Kyle Everson - BSAC & BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Sarah Edwards - Advisor
- Prof. John Puccinelli - Advisor
- Mr. Kevin Goplen - Client
Related Projects
- Fall 2024: Johnson Health Tech: Height adjustable magnetic resistance SkiErg
- Spring 2024: Johnson Health Tech: Height adjustable magnetic resistance SkiErg
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